Switzerland Journal November 19th 1936

Thurs: Nov. 19. Neuchâtel. A town at the head of a lake and county* of that name. It is a very old town with a beautiful castle and catherderal[sic]. There are remains of an old Romain[sic] wall there. Morat.** Murten is a little town on the route Geneva – Neuchâtel. It is an old Romain[sic]Continue reading “Switzerland Journal November 19th 1936”

Switzerland journal November 12th 1936

Thurs: Nov 12th. Colognie.*A pretty little village on the hills opposite la Mayolaine**. Lord Byron stayed there. We saw the house he stayed in _ where he wrote “Childe Harold” and “The Prisoner of Chillon”.There is a street named after him and also a stone laid for him.The village is a very picturesque little placeContinue reading “Switzerland journal November 12th 1936”


Peggy’s 1936 diary has now finished. There is one last entry on the final page, saying ‘Coronation of George VI May 12th 1937’ (Edward VIII has been scrawled out) – which is covered by lines crossing out the days in January – presumably because she started a new Diary for 1937. Peggy made various notesContinue reading “Post-diary”

November 23rd 1936

Diary sub-note: 1407. Duke of Orleans assassinated There were lots of pictures of David.Went into the town with Mlle Pasch & Leslie. Daddie sent me £2 which I had changed in the town. Bought a doll for Joy & a choc caldron* for Mlle Hartmann. *Miss-spelling of cauldron. The smashing of chocolate cauldrons is aContinue reading “November 23rd 1936”

November 10th 1936

Diary sub-note: 1918. Maubeuge and Mons recaptured Had my hair done. It rained hard most of the afternoon. There was new snow on the Mole.* *Le Môle is a mountain in the Chablais Alps that is visible from Geneva. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Le_M%C3%B4le

November 8th 1936

Diary sub-note: 22nd [Sunday] after Trinity 1624. John Milton died Wrote to Jeanne Knight & Joy. Wrote the new address on daddie’s letter for the first time. It pelted with rain all day. Leslie & I went to church alone & met Mlle & Joan there with the car.

Switzerland journal November 5th 1936

Britannicus.A play written by Jean Racine in 1669. It is a Tragedy in 5 acts. The scene takes place in the palace of Nero in Rome. The play is about Nero, who falls in love with Junie, the fiancée of his half brother, Britannicus. He takes Britannicus prioner and later sees that his mother –Continue reading “Switzerland journal November 5th 1936”